Basic Agreement
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Instructors :
For clarity, for safety, for informed consent, accessing basic, i.e. open materials on this website requires completing this Basic Agreement. If you cannot or will not agree to all of the following, then thank you for your time and interest and I wish you well on your future adventures, but they will not be here.
By completing ???, I agree to do my absolute best to adhere to the following values:
I will be REAL
- Respectful – I will respect the needs, identities, and agency of my self and all others
- Engaged – I will actively engage with what I discover
- Authentic – I will be authentic (honest, truthful, as unmasked as I can handle) with my Self and others
- Loving – I will do my utmost to bring the care of universal love to all of my interactions
I will be TRUE
- Trustworthy – I will do my best to be worthy of trust
- Responsible – I am responsible for my choices, actions, and the consequences that flow from them. I will allow others to be responsible in turn for themselves.
- Understanding – I will do my best to recognize that everyone is different, and to work to understand others’ perspectives
- Effortful – I will make the effort necessary to do the above
Or I will be GONE
Any site Member is welcome to bring forward a concern to the site Admin(s). Complaints will be investigated as is appropriate. Breaking this agreement will result in one of the following results, to be determined by the Admin(s) of Terra Arcanum:
- A warning
- A temporary block
- A permanent removal