Overview of Chokmah
Yetziratic Text: “The Fourth Path is named Measuring, Cohesive or Receptacular; and is so called because it contains all the holy powers, and from it emanate all the spiritual virtues with the most exalted essences: they emanate one from the other by the power of the primordial emanation. [The Highest Crown].”
Welcome to Month 8 and the 7th sphere on our Journey!
We have left the Pillar of Might and crossed once more to the Pillar of Mercy. Just as Netzach balances Hod, Chessed balances Geburah. In Geburah we found Might, we found Power, we found our own outward expression of Self into the Universe and the impact thereof. Here, in Chesed, in Mercy, we allow the energies of the world to touch us. We are receptive, feeling the the power and Might of the universe within ourselves.
Chesed also is born from Tifareth, from the Harmony and Beauty at the centre of the Tree. But this is not Harmony, this is not a sphere at the Centre, in the Pillar of Balance. Mercy cannot and should not exist in isolation; it is not by itself in balance. It needs the balance of Might to not only be understood, but to be healthy. I highlight this because many of us find comfort and ease in Mercy and difficulty in embracing Might. This is not a situation that serves us. Working through both spheres and finding our connection into both separately and then together, is necessary for our personal (and communal) evolution.
Chewed translates as Mercy, and is know by the Vision of Love. But this is not the (sexual) love of Venus and Netzach, it is the unconditional love that would be described by Jupiter. It is a place of love and comfort, where the joy of the experience invites obedience (not a slave-like obedience, but an embracing and desire to support the experience of this sphere) and support to the essence of Love.
Before such love we fall into humility easily. But it is easy to slide over into the assumption that the understanding and connections that you have achieved make you better than others, make you ‘right’. And that can slide into self-righteousness that will lead to the vices of bigotry, hypocrisy and gluttony.
Chesed Associations
Read through the correspondences and add your own thoughts and experiences as we go through various exercises to connect with the energy of Chesed.
This meditation/connection practice should be done at least weekly and before the following exercises. To take this Work to a deeper level, do it every day, at different times, different environments, to discover the full breadth of Mercy.