Last month in Geburah we didn’t look at the scourge, one of its symbols and weapons. Wiccans frequently work with the scourge and the kiss (wand). In Egyptian history, you will see the crook and the flail held by the Pharaoh. They were the prime symbols of ruling.
And in essence, they are the symbols of Geburah and Chesed, Might and Mercy, held in balance by a ruler who is the light of divinity on earth (think of Tifareth, holding the symbols of Geburah and Chesed in balance).
The crook (just like the one used on stage to pull people off, called the Vaudeville hook), is the wand with the rounded hook at the end.
The crook and the wand, they are the gentle care for those around you. They reach out into the world in a strong, will-driven way that directs without pain or harm. It is the shepherd’s hook, used to guide the sheep.
This is the symbol, the tool of Chesed, the expression of Mercy and Love.
I have fallen in love with unicorns. Not the cutesy unicorns of cartoons and stuffies. Though…

Unicorns from Fantasia
The Last Unicorn is closer to what I’m talking about. But in the end, the unicorn is the expression of the energy of Chesed in mythical animal form (just as the Basilisk is for Chesed).
Unicorn energy is healing, expressive love.