Chesed Ritual
I have two thoughts for you on how to connect ritually to Geburah energy.
Option 1
Create. Paint, dance, sculpt, write. Take some passion from your soul and give it outward expression. Invoke Geburah first. Release with appreciation the Geburah energy at the end.
Option 2
- Acquire a cheap mask
- Create sacred space with the mask and a mirror inside of it
- Put on the mask, as you would put on one or all the masks that you wear in the world, all of the roles of child, parent, employee, manager, friend, professional, hobbyist, etc.
- Sit/stand before the mirror. See the mask that you wear.
- Invoke the Geburah energy
- Allow it in to break through the barrier of the mask, to remove the barriers and the illusions and the cover between our eternal self and our temporary self of day-to-day life.
- Express the impact of the Geburah energy into the mask itself – remove it, destroy it, do whatever the ritual needs from you in order to complete the removal of the mask(s).
- See yourself without the mask(s) in the mirror. See your true(er) self. Take this in and allow the experience to affect you.
- Release the geburah energy with appreciation.
- Close the sacred space.