Today is the 8th tea of the course. We have been travelling long and far. Here, in this tea, there is a time of rest and rejuvenation available to us.
It is important to recognize that the higher we travel up the Tree, the more esoteric, the more cerebral our connection to the sephiroth often become. This is deeply impacted by how far we have each travelled. Those who have had experiences that align with higher spheres on the Tree will have a more layered experience of the sphere. We begin our connection with our mind, through logic and thought, but always we seek to connect on an intuitive/emotional/spiritual level with each sphere.
Do not be bothered by this! Whether your connection with connective Chesed is mental or emotional, it is the beginning or continuation of your resonance with the essence of this sphere. Each time we move through the Tree, when we seek out these connections and spent time tuning ourselves to their resonances, the more we invite the influence, power, and essence of the sephiroth into our lives. We are all on a journey to our Higher Selves and no one’s journey will be just like any others. Being farther up the Tree is not ‘better’, just different, for it gives a broader perspective.
Don’t be in a rush! Set the framework for the experience of Chesed, explore it, so that when you have moments that touch into this energy, you will recognize them for what they are, and thus have an easier time integrating and embracing such wonder into your Self and your life.
As usual, there are four lessons or exercises if you prefer in this week. They can be done together, as in all of them contemplated (if alone) or discussed (if working this in a group) all on the same day, or you can spread them out over the week as works for you.
Tea Preparation
For those who will be doing tea like I will, here’s the things to keep in mind:
- Wear some form of blue to connect with the (Queen’s) colour of Chesed
- Tea suggestion (mine are added to a rooibos base) **always take care that there are no allergies with what you choose to use**. Use all or some of the following:
- cinammon
- clove
- cracked pepper
- calendula
- mace
- basil
- Chesed oil blend:
- benzoin
- neroli
- basil
- cedarwood
- Optional (well, it’s all optional, but this item is particularly so): dress (anoint) a blue candle with the oil, to burn during the tea, to help bring connection to the contemplation/discussion.
Tea Process
Anoint self with oil.
Do the meditation.
Make tea.
Contemplate/discuss Chesed while drinking tea.