Tarot: Geburah 5’s
The chart is for reference, for those who like such materials. Reminder, the “Thoth label” is the word chosen by Aleister Crowley to epitomize the energy and the meaning of the card. The astrological association is another way to describe the energy of the card.
Tarot Meditations:
If you have a tarot deck, I recommend pulling out the four 5’s to have with you during the meditation. NOTE: In the Thoth deck (the tarot deck Aleister Crowley designed), as with many other tarot decks, the suit of wands is associated with fire and the swords with air. If your deck has those associations flipped you will most likely want to use your 10 of swords with the wand meditation and the 10 of wands with the sword meditation. Or in other words, follow the elemental association of the meditations over the representation.
These meditations can be done contemplatively, i.e. purely as meditation. You an also do them as a pathworking, where you draw in the energies that are being worked with and explore the card from that direction. The choice is yours. If you are unfamiliar with energy working, I recommend staying meditative.
Geburah’s destructive energy and power storms through each of the elements, disrupting them from their place of comfort and stability, from where they are balanced and harmonized. There is no balance or harmony in Geburah. There is exploration into the farthest, most destructive reach of anything and everything, Self and Other. Geburah is the path TO harmony, but in order to find harmony, we must first seek out all of our places of discord, understand them, embrace them.
Earth: Pentacles
As we are travelling up the tree, we will also travel ‘up’ the elements. As the most manifested of the four elements, earth is encountered first, followed by air, then water and finally fire for the beginning of all things. In this particular reference point anyways.
You can also use 5 stones, laid out in a circle around you are in front of you as part of the meditation/journey.
The power of earth, the physical, the body; the power of Geburah, the Might. Mercury in Taurus. Worry.
Ideally you have the tarot card in hand or in front of you during the meditation.
The meditation starts with the presumption that you are already settled, comfortable, mind settled and calmly focused, ready to begin.
Air: Swords
The power of air, the mind, the intellect; the power of Geburah, the Might. Venus in Aquarius. Defeat.
You could choose to have 5 sticks of incense burning around you or in front of you or 5 feathers to represent air with you while you listen/do the meditation.
Ideally you have the tarot card in hand or in front of you during the meditation.
The meditation starts with the presumption that you are already settled, comfortable, mind settled and calmly focused, ready to begin.
Water: Cups
The power of water, heart and emotions; the power of Geburah, the Might. Mars in Scorpio. Disappointment.
You could choose to have 5 cups of water surrounding you as you do the meditation.
Ideally you have the tarot card in hand or in front of you during the meditation.
Fire: Wands
The power of fire, will and passion; the power of Geburah, the Might. Jupiter in Leo. Strife.
You could choose to have 5 candles in front of or around you as you do the meditation. Let yourself be inspired into the pattern you wish to lay them out in.
Ideally you have the tarot card in hand or in front of you during the meditation.
The meditation starts with the presumption that you are already settled, comfortable, mind settled and calmly focused, ready to begin.
This ends this week’s exercises.